Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 2

Apparently you aren't supposed to exercise for 2 full weeks when you start this diet, which explains why I felt like I was going to collapse at practice. I'm not really sure there is a way around this since I have a game on Saturday against Berkely Resistance, then the travel team has a scrimmage against Sacred on Sunday. I might have to * gulp * cheat. If I do, it will just be a small bowl of plain pasta right before I play, or maybe oatmeal. I don't want to let down the team.
Today was honestly a little easier. I made a delicious fruit salad with mint and nuts that was my favorite. I also made a broccoli soup with the home made chicken stock I made yesterday. Yum. I made a totally failed omlette that ended up tasting good even though it was not pretty. I snacked pretty much throughout the day and never really managed to feel full. I feel a little like a garbage disposal. Is that normal? I guess I kindof always feel that way, but I usually get full.
Jo did better today too. I think he is starting to feel good about the diet, though he does talk about food we aren't allowed to have multiple times a day. He always asks me a silly question with an obvious answer, yet manages to stay straight-faced and big eyed. Today it was, "Can we eat bacon on the Paleo diet?" And yesterday, it was, "Can I drink diet Coke on the Paleo diet?" I just peered at him over my glasses each time and remained silent. Regardless of Jo's grumbles and constant food talk, he seems stoked and already lost 5 pounds. I will keep with it just to make sure he does.
I haven't taken a before picture yet and I will get on that tomorrow. I (somehow) lost a few pounds, which is definitely not my goal, so I will have to be careful.
Because of the no exercise plan, I decided not to do the Insanity workout, which was what I had planned tonight. I am going to stick to practice only and some core workouts until I feel less dizzy.

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